Be Body Neutral
For some looking in the mirror can be a terrorizing experience. Some of us avoid this practice all together while other of us use the mirror punishment.
The issue of body image is a common one. Often times the realization that our bodies do not meet the societal standard for beauty is the catalyst for an eating disorder. Our culture has made a few strides in the movement towards size acceptance. You may have heard the term"body positivity". It is very assuring to see others "love” their bodies however this can also cause some confusion. Many individuals have difficulty believing they will ever look at themselves and say that their body is beautiful as it is right now! This is yet another way we can feel that we have failed.
Like many of my approaches to therapy I guide clients to consider "the middle road". In this case, body neutrality. You do not have to LOVE your body and all it's flaws to have improved body image however you can BE in your body and experience it for what it is in this moment. Learning to be neutral about your body can take time. Practice using non-judgmental words to describe it. It is also helpful to describe your body in terms of the things it does for you such as digestion, movement or even creative pursuits. Also, turn off or "unfollow" social media friends and pages that trigger negative thoughts and feelings about your body. Start following social media and podcasts that practice size acceptance, Health at Every Size (HAES/ Dr. Linda Bacon), and non-diet approaches to living.
If you struggle with body image and it impacts your ability to engage in relationships and activities, consider speaking to a professional trained in disordered eating and body image issues.